Thinking of Going Greek?
Boom Boom...I want to go ADPi! Don't you?

Each year the sisters of Alpha Delta Pi get extremely excited for recruitment. We are overjoyed to welcome a new group of women into our sisterhood! As one of our sisters so cleverly put it, “Recruitment is the happiest season of them all!”
From the moment they begin their alpha period, we welcome our new members in with the warm loyalty of our sisterhood. An alpha is a sister who has not yet been initiated into the sorority, while a delta sister is an initiated collegiate member and a pi sister is a graduated alumna. At all stages of our sisterhood, the bonds carry great weight and we are equals. Alpha Delta Pi in no way condones hazing or belittling of new members!
From the moment they begin their alpha period, we welcome our new members in with the warm loyalty of our sisterhood. An alpha is a sister who has not yet been initiated into the sorority, while a delta sister is an initiated collegiate member and a pi sister is a graduated alumna. At all stages of our sisterhood, the bonds carry great weight and we are equals. Alpha Delta Pi in no way condones hazing or belittling of new members!
Alpha Delta Pi is more than just symbols and history; it’s a way of life.
We participate in intramural sports, Greek Week competitions, Pitt Dance Marathon, and many other social activities. There are so many opportunities to become involved in Alpha Delta Pi, especially with our national philanthropy the Ronald McDonald House.
The sisters of Alpha Delta Pi encourage you to go Greek! Going through recruitment is a fun experience and finding the sorority for you is a great feeling.
We participate in intramural sports, Greek Week competitions, Pitt Dance Marathon, and many other social activities. There are so many opportunities to become involved in Alpha Delta Pi, especially with our national philanthropy the Ronald McDonald House.
The sisters of Alpha Delta Pi encourage you to go Greek! Going through recruitment is a fun experience and finding the sorority for you is a great feeling.